


Leadership comes with hard work but successful leadership entails more than just laboriousness, it calls for special traits that only a select few possess. Whether these traits are skills that can be developed or are a matter of biological endowment is something which still needs scientific back-up. Generally speaking, successful leaders do have something in common. They share a set of common characteristics such as : confidence, focus, trust, far-sightedness, accountability, enthusiasm, persistence, communication, determination, love of their work, and patience. Also, successful leaders are a joy to be around. They listen empathically and are a source of inspiration and zeal to the people around them.

The TED list below features some really wonderful talks on how to be a leader and how to inspire others to action.

Read the Full Article

Like many school districts, the Southeast Polk School District in Pleasant Hill, Iowa monitors the Web usage of its students on district-provided computers for inappropriate activity. And like some school districts, Southeast Polk also uses a monitoring service that sends weekly emails to parents summarizing their students’ Internet search history. This raises some difficult issues because we know that young people need space away from the heavy thumb of adults for healthy identity formation and the development of self.

Why do teenagers go to the mall, or congregate at the park, or cruise the strip, or gravitate toward the online spaces where adults aren’t? Because they need spaces that are separate from us. Should we monitor every single book or online resource that our children read? Should we use biometric school lunch checkout systems so that we can see exactly what our children eat for lunch each day? Should we dig through our children’s belongings and rooms every morning after they leave for school to see if they’re doing something that they shouldn’t? Should we install RFID and GPS tags into our children’s clothing and backpacks so that we can track them in real time? Should we slap lifelogging cameras on our kids and review them every evening? Should we install keystroke logging software or monitor everything that youth search for on the Internet? Which of these makes you uncomfortable and which doesn’t?

Read the Full Article

I’ve just discovered Dangerously Irrelevant and was impressed to read Scott Mcleod ask: When will we take seriously the challenge of preparing our graduates for our new information landscape? And what are we going to do about all of our graduates?

Our new information landscape is digital bits in the ether instead of ink dots on paper. There is no foreseeable future in which we go back to analog. One of schools’ primary tasks is to help students master the dominant information landscape of their time. Schools are knowledge institutions preparing students to do knowledge work. So let’s be clear about what our new information landscape looks like:

Our New Digital Learning Landscape by Dangerously Irrelevant

In a followup article, Scott comments:

We spent the last 200+ years (at least) pushing consumption models of learning on most of our students. We asked them to be passive recipients of whatever information came from the teacher or textbook. We gave them few opportunities to question the reliability or validity of the information that we spoon-fed them. We trusted that someone else did the filtering for us and them beforehand. And in many cases, we actually punished kids who dared to ask questions or present alternative viewpoints.

So we shouldn’t be surprised that we now have an information / media literacy problem with our adults. We shouldn’t be surprised that most of our citizens have trouble determining the validity and reliability of digital and online information sources. We shouldn’t be surprised that we are easy prey for those who spread misinformation, deception, and outright lies.

Read the whole article, “Unthoughtful Consumption” on Dangerously Irrelevant.

Understanding Digital Literacies by Rodney H. Jones by Christoph A. Hafner

Assuming no knowledge of linguistics, Understanding Digital Literacies provides an accessible and timely introduction to new media literacies. It supplies readers with the theoretical and analytical tools with which to explore the linguistic and social impact of a host of new digital literacy practices. Each chapter in the volume covers a different topic, presenting an overview of the major concepts, issues, problems and debates surrounding the topic, while also encouraging students to reflect on and critically evaluate their own language and communication practices.

Understanding Digital Literacies

8 Digital Literacies Required to Thrive in a Digital World

  1. The ability to quickly search through and evaluate great masses of information.
  2.  The ability to create coherent reading pathways through complex collections of linked texts.
  3.  The ability to quickly make connections between widely disparate ideas and domains of experience.
  4.  The ability to shoot and edit digital photos and video.
  5. The ability to create multimodal documents that combine words, graphics, video, and audio.
  6. The ability to create and maintain dynamic online profiles and manage large and complex online social networks.
  7.  The ability to explore and navigate online worlds and to interact in virtual environments.
  8.  The ability to protect one’s personal data from being misused by others.

One of the banes of my “Must Learn Spanish” existence has been the INSANE practice of assigning a gender to EVERY NOUN in the language! As a native English speaker, I didn’t know how good I had it, to be free of this nonsense.

The only thing that used to calm me down on the “issue” was knowing how many other great languages share the same burden: Latin, Spanish, French, Italian, German, Russian.

Well, I’m here to say that I’m FREE AT LAST from the gender-noun Spanish prison! And you can be too, by reading the short 197 words I’ve written, below, to break our family out of this jail. It’s as close to a get-out-of-jail-free card that you’re ever likely to find.

Masculine and Feminine Nouns

All Spanish nouns and pronouns are grammatically linked to the masculine (m.) or the feminine (f.) gender (“Gender” is a grammatical property and doesn’t necessarily have anything to do with biological gender.)

It’s important to get these gender associations right because adjectives, articles, possessives, and demonstratives must also agree in gender with the noun or pronoun to which they relate. Therefore, getting the gender of a noun “wrong” can become an amplified mistake.

Fortunately, this arbitrary (and somewhat ridiculous) language burden is ** dramatically** eased by the following consistent patterns:.

  • Nouns referring to males are masculine.
  • Nouns referring to females are feminine.
  • Nouns ending in -o, -or, -aje, -men, -gen are masculine.
  • Nouns ending in -a, -ad, -ed, -ud, -ión, -umbre, -ie are feminine.
  • Many abstract nouns ending in -ma are masculine, (el problema, el tema, ‘theme,’ el clima, el drama, el problema, el sistema, el programa.)

Since the gender of a noun is arbitrary and their number is infinite, I disagree with teachers who say it’s best to learn the gender of a noun along with the noun itself. It’s far easier to internalize the patterns, above while taking note of any exceptions. Here’s the pattern for making nouns plural:

21 Flashcards

It took 21 flashcards to review the complete gender-noun pattern in Spanish. I made the cards using Anki’s SRS (Spaced Repetition System.) As each card is flipped, the example sentence is read aloud in perfect Spanish.

It won’t be long before they are able to forget about gender for the rest of their lives!

Bonus: Plurals in 75 Words

If a noun ends in:
1. A vowel, add -s (libro/libros, puerta/puertas.)
2. A consonant, add -es (pared/paredes, profesor/profesores.)
3. -z, change it to a -c and add -es (lápiz/lápices, luz/luces.)
4. The masculine plural is used if a group involves one or more masculine nouns: (e.g.,
Tengo muy buenos amigos (m. pl.), I have very good friends (where the friends may be male or a mixture of male
and female.)

Nuestras vacaciones familiares este año son para Colombia, Sudamérica, para visitar a familiares y aprender español. Afortunadamente, nos quedamos con la familia todo el tiempo. Sin gastos de hotel, nuestro viaje de seis semanas costará poco más que un viaje a Florida.

Bienvenido A Colombia

En contraste con la imagen que la mayoría de los estadounidenses tienen de Colombia, dos tercios del país y todas las ciudades principales están en las montañas. Estamos hablando de grandes montañas cubiertas de nieve con retiros de cabañas de estilo suizo. Por ejemplo, la elevación del terreno en Bogotá es de 8.660 pies o 1/2 milla más alta que Denver. Aunque nuestra visita está más cerca del ecuador, todavía está en las montañas. Incluso cerca del ecuador, aquellos con los medios para vivir a mayor altitud pueden escapar del calor tropical.

Idioma y Familia

De todas las muchas razones para visitar Colombia, este viaje es sobre familia e idioma. Es hora de que nuestros muchachos readquieran el idioma español al que han estado expuestos desde su nacimiento. Eso les permitirá hablar con sus familiares mientras disfrutan de muchos otros beneficios de saber español.

Puntos de Partida

Mi esposa habla español e inglés perfecto sin acento detectable en ninguno de los idiomas. Sus padres tienen un acento en inglés, pero lo han estado hablando con fluidez durante décadas.

Como los padres de mi esposa viven con nosotros, nuestros hijos han estado expuestos al español y al inglés desde el momento en que nacieron. Como era de esperar, su discurso fue “retrasado”. Sin embargo, su español comenzó a desaparecer desde su primer día de escuela privada. Mi esposa y yo estamos ansiosos por traerlo a la superficie más pronto, en lugar de más tarde.

He incursionado en español desde la escuela secundaria y he podido viajar cómodamente en América Latina. Puedo leer español razonablemente bien, pero gran parte de eso se debe a la familiaridad con las raíces latinas y griegas. En cuanto a hablar el idioma, las ilusiones de fluidez desaparecen rápidamente entre los taxistas chilenos. No hace falta mucho esfuerzo para no entender una sola palabra en los últimos 30 segundos antes de darme cuenta de que no estoy hablando efectivamente con nadie.

Para ser justos, el español chileno y el argentino se hablan notablemente rápido y tienen muchos modismos. Pueden dejar desesperados incluso a hablantes nativos de español por una consonante bien definida o dos.

El Vínculo Débil, Padre o Ambos

Cuando se trata de hablar español, soy el eslabón débil de nuestra familia. No creo que eso importe tanto a los chicos si yo no fuera su padre. Por alguna razón, el lenguaje del padre parece tener un efecto más fuerte en el lenguaje de los niños que el de otros miembros de la familia. Por ejemplo, soy un lector voraz y mis amigos dicen que mi vocabulario (en inglés) se está extendiendo a los niños. Desafortunadamente, el hecho de que solo hable inglés en la casa también está contribuyendo a su falta de interés en el español. Por el contrario, el español perfecto que mi esposa y parientes políticos hablan continuamente no les está llegando a los muchachos.

La responsabilidad, por lo tanto, está en mí. Si quiero que los niños aprendan español, voy a tener que aprenderlo primero. Afortunadamente, he tenido un comienzo bastante largo y prolongado.

Cerrando el Laguna Inglés

Cuando mi esposa y parientes políticos hablan entre ellos, siempre es en español. Hablan inglés solo cuando estoy cerca. Los niños usan esto como una escapatoria para escapar de las dificultades de aprender español. Una de nuestras tácticas es cerrar esta laguna. Para hacer eso, papá necesita hablar español en la casa.

Alcanzar la Fluidez de la Base

Yo diría que la capacidad de llevar a cabo los asuntos cotidianos de la casa en español (solo) califica como fluidez básica. Los profesores de español dicen que esto requeriría ~ 2000 palabras de vocabulario, la capacidad de conjugar 10 verbos esenciales en el tiempo presente, pasado y futuro, y la comprensión de una lista relativamente corta de reglas gramaticales críticas. Sin embargo, dado que no estoy empezando de cero, me gustaría llevarlo un poco más allá.


Me encantaría poder traducir mi escritura al español y, algún día, escribir en español. Usando el vocabulario en inglés como un indicador aproximado, conocer las 5000 palabras utilizadas con mayor frecuencia permite comprender ~ 95% del texto escrito.1

Nation (1990)2 ha demostrado que las 4,000-5,000 palabras más frecuentes representan hasta el 95 por ciento de un texto escrito y las 1,000 palabras más frecuentes representan el 85 por ciento del habla. Si bien los resultados de Nation fueron para inglés, al menos presentan la posibilidad de que, al permitir que la frecuencia sea una guía general para el aprendizaje del vocabulario, una tarea que enfrentan los estudiantes: adquirir un léxico que les sirva en la mayoría de las ocasiones la mayor parte del tiempo. podría lograrse con bastante facilidad.

Sería molesto no entender una de cada 20 palabras en inglés (95% de comprensión). Sin embargo, suponiendo que las mismas estadísticas se mantengan generalmente en español, estaría encantado de tener esa instalación con Español.

Para la perspectiva, el vocabulario para el porcentaje de comprensión del inglés se desarrolla de la siguiente manera:

1000 palabras: 85% del habla
2000 palabras: 92% del discurso
5000 palabras: 95% del texto escrito

La curva exponencial comienza en 1000 y se aplana en 5000 palabras. Estoy excediendo el objetivo de fluidez de base e intentando 5000 en este viaje. Teóricamente, eso me permite tener que buscar solo una palabra de las veinte al escribir o hacer traducciones entre inglés y español.

Espero aprender pronto (sentir y experimentar) cómo estas estimaciones resultan útiles para escribir, hablar y traducir. Sin duda, se necesitará una buena cantidad de gramática para desatar el poder de todas estas palabras nuevas.

Una ventaja de aumentar mis metas para la fluidez en español es que aprenderé en exceso el idioma necesario para las conversaciones en la casa. Incluso si lleva mucho tiempo alcanzar mis metas más altas, hablar en español por la casa para el beneficio de los niños será una brisa relativa. También me inclinaré menos a “hacer trampa” cuando esté bajo estrés para communicarme.

Primeros Pasos para Los Chicos

Mientras trabajo para cerrar el laguna inglés, les he dado a los niños una lista ilustrada de 625 de las palabras más usadas para aprender en español. En realidad, su abuelita les está ayudando a repasar la lista. Ella está haciendo que todo sea divertido y pronunciando cada palabra como un Colombiana nativa. Eso viene naturalmente a la abuelita porque ella es una Colombiana nativa.

  1. Davies, Mark, 2006, A frequency dictionary of modern Spanish, Routlegde 
  2. Nation, I. S. P. (1990), Teaching and learning vocabulary, Boston: Heinle and Heinle. 

Our family vacation this year is to Colombia, South America, to visit relatives and learn Spanish. Thankfully, we’re staying with family the whole time. With no hotel expenses, our six-week trip will cost little more than a trip to Florida!

Bienvenido A Colombia

In contrast to the image most Americans have of Colombia, two-thirds of the country and all of the major cities are in the mountains. We’re talking big snow-covered mountains with Swiss-style chalet retreats. For example, the ground elevation in Bogota is 8,660 feet or 1/2 mile higher than Denver. Although our visit is closer to the equator, it’s still in the mountains. Even close to the equator, those with the means to live at higher altitudes can escape the tropical heat.

Language & Family

Of all the many reasons to visit Colombia, this trip is about family and language. It’s time for our boys to reacquire the Spanish language they’ve been exposed to since birth. That will enable them to talk with their relatives while enjoying many other benefits of knowing Spanish.

Starting Points

My wife speaks perfect Spanish and English with no detectable accent in either language. Her parents have an accent in Engish but have been speaking it fluently for decades.

Since my wife’s parents live with us, our sons have been exposed to Spanish and English from the time they were born. Their speech was predictably “delayed” as a result. However, their Spanish started to disappear from their first day of private school. My wife and I are keen to bring it back to the surface sooner, rather than later.

I’ve dabbled in Spanish since high-school and have been able to travel comfortably in Latin America. I can read Spanish reasonably well, but much of that is due to familiarity with Latin and Greek roots. As for actually speaking the language, illusions of fluency disappear quickly around Chilean taxi drivers. It doesn’t take many spurts of not understanding a single word for the last 30 seconds before realizing that I’m not effectively talking with anyone.

To be fair, Chilean and Argentinian Spanish are spoken notoriously fast and have lots of idioms. They can leave even native Spanish speakers desperate for a well-defined consonant or two.

The Weak Link, Father, or Both

When it comes to speaking Spanish, I’m the weak link in our family. I don’t think that would matter so much to the boys if I weren’t also their father. For some reason, the language of the father seems to have a stronger effect on the language of the children than that of other family members. For example, I’m a voracious reader and friends say my (English) vocabulary is spilling over to the boys. Unfortunately, the fact that I speak only English around the house is also contributing to their lack of interest in Spanish. In contrast, the perfect Spanish my wife and in-laws talk continually is not getting through to the boys.

The onus, therefore, is on me. If I want the boys to learn Spanish, I’m going to have to learn it first. Happily, I’ve had a rather long and drawn out headstart.

Closing the English Loophole

When my wife and in-laws talk to each other, it’s always in Spanish. They speak English only when I’m around. The boys use this as a loophole to escape the difficulties of learning Spanish. One of our tactics is to close this loophole. To do that, Dad needs to speak Spanish around the house.

Reaching Base Fluency

I’d say the ability to conduct everyday affairs around the house in Spanish (only) qualifies as base fluency. Spanish teachers say this would require ~2000 words of vocabulary, the ability to conjugate an essential 10 verbs into the present, past, and future tenses, and the grasp of a relatively short list of critical grammar rules. However, since I’m not starting from scratch, I’d like to take it a little further.


I would love to be able to translate my English writing into Spanish and, someday, write in Spanish. Using English vocabulary as a rough gauge, knowing the most frequently used 5000 words enables one to comprehend ~95% of written text.1

Nation (1990)2 has shown that the 4,000–5,000 most frequent words account for up to 95 percent of a written text and the 1,000 most frequent words account for 85 percent of speech. While Nation’s results were for English, they do at least present the possibility that, by allowing frequency to be a general guide to vocabulary learning, one task facing learners – to acquire a lexicon which will serve them well on most occasions most of the time – could be achieved quite easily.

It would be annoying to not understand one out of 20 English words (95% comprehension.) However, presuming the same stats hold generally true for Spanish, I’d be thrilled to have that facility with Español.

For perspective, the vocabulary to percentage comprehension of English breaks out as follows:

1000 Words: 85% of speech
2000 Words: 92% of speech
5000 Words: 95% of written text

The exponential curve starts at 1000 and flattens out at 5000 words. I’m overshooting the goal for base fluency and trying for 5000 on this trip. Theoretically, that well leave me only having to look up one word out of twenty when writing or doing translations between English and Spanish.

I hope to soon learn (feel, and experience) how these estimates pan out for writing, speaking, and translating. No doubt, a fair amount of grammar will be needed to unleash the power of all these new words.

An advantage to raising my goals for Spanish fluency is that I’ll be overlearning the language needed for conversations around the house. Even if it takes a long time to reach my higher goals, talking in Spanish around the house for the benefit of the kids will be a relative breeze. I’ll also be less inclined to “cheat” when under stress to communicate.

First Steps for the Boys

While I’m working to close the English loophole, I’ve given the kids an illustrated list of 625 of the most frequently used words to learn in Spanish. Actually, their abuelita is helping them go through the list. She is making everything fun and pronouncing every word like a native Colombiana. That comes naturally to abuelita because she is a native Colombiana.

  1. Davies, Mark, 2006, A frequency dictionary of modern Spanish, Routlegde 
  2. Nation, I. S. P. (1990), Teaching and learning vocabulary, Boston: Heinle and Heinle. 

Seven years ago, I had Kahn Academy slated as a near perfect mathematics curriculum for my sons, when they were ready. The testimonials of grade-schoolers doing college calculus were impressive. That they were doing so by watching videos at their own pace was all I needed to hear.

Then, something awful happened.

Sal Kahn Met Google, then Bill Gates

Not long after discovering Kahn’s videos, I saw him discussing “Innovation in Education” with Bill Gates.

What did Kahn have to learn from Gates about education? Gates had skipped out of college to become a billionaire. And his common core was failing miserably?!

In fairness to Kahn, the outcry against common core, introduced in 2010, was not yet nation-wide. At the time of their meeting in 2012, it was not the anti-endorsement of Gates for “innovation in education” it would soon become.

In retrospect, the co-opting of Kahn and his academy began in 2010 when he received $2 million from Google for creating new courses and translating content into other languages.

They Even Got Math Wrong

Ironically, the worst complaints about common core are in Kahn’s area of expertise: mathematics. Isn’t math the easiest subject to get right in a curriculum?

According to common core expert James Pesta, a professor at the University of Wisconsin, the curriculum:

  • Changes math into writing and drawing. Instead of solving math problems, the students must draw circles, tubes, and squares to solve a problem.
  • Takes the natural parts and makes them non-intuitive.
  • Pushes exposure to algebra out to high-school from the usual start in 6th or 7th grade.
  • Shifts the purpose away from getting the right answer to getting a group consensus on what the correct answer might be.
  • Turns math into a subject for which even parents who are experts in math cannot help their children.

That’s great for kids who want to avoid math, altogether. But it’s a complete waste of time for kids that do.

Professor James Milgram, who did the calculations for the Apollo moonshots, explains why he wouldn’t sign off on common core math:

How could an expert in math like Khan, who’d made his reputation by helping grade-schoolers do college-level math, be fooled?

The Core of Common Core

In an interview on the Tom Woods show, Pesta says the unstated goal of common core is training parents to accept that only the state can teach their children, properly. Pesta also believes that common core is a vehicle for teaching children a one-sided ideological view:

Why else would they have children reading executive orders from President Obama and EPA tracts instead of the classics of literature?

The premise of Common Core, when you boil it right down, is that the state owns your kids, not you. And we all should be very worried about that.

Is Kahn’s Academy Salvageable?

It’s best to let Kahn speak for himself on whether his academy is a non-common-core alternative. Here’s Khan in 2013:

“…When we looked at the standards, when we looked at the items coming out of the assessment consortium, smarter balanced, we realized that this is a very very very good standard.”

“Right now, we have a team of teachers, of professors, of graduate students who are working closely with us, working very closely with many of the authors of the common core itself, to make sure that we intentionally create content that really hits at the conceptual spirit of the common core.

Conceptual spirit, Sal?

Do you mean the “conceptual spirit” of forestalling algebra until high-school? The “conceptual spirit” of having children read presidential executive orders and EPA tracts instead of classic literature? The “conceptual spirit” of the most centrally federalized education scheme ever devised?

A popular question on Khan’s website is “Do you have content for non-Common Core users?

After two paragraphs of stalling, the answer is:

Due to the small size of our content team, we don’t currently have the resources to pursue a curriculum alignment with non-Common Core standards.

2016 Update from Sal

“Now we have 150,000 exercises and many thousands of videos vetted by the authors of common core!”

Can I Trust You to be Alone with My Children?

Curriculums are best chosen the same way parents decide on a tutor. Trusting them to be alone with your children is a good start.

Would you trust a tutor who did any of the following to be alone with your child?

  • Leaves gaping holes in essential subjects.
  • Confuses them with lots of words when a simple answer will do.
  • Uses methods that even expert parents don’t understand.
  • Trains them on political agendas instead of teaching them the subject at hand.

Some accuse parents of using school as a babysitter. But, would even those parents hire a babysitter who behaved in such ways?

Failure to Who?

To parents that want the best education possible for their children, common core is a failure. However, it’s not a failure to Gates. His goals have little in common with those of individual parents.

Gates wants to impose “standards” on children, worldwide. Here he is admitting that doing so requires making a range of compromises that will hold many children back.

The uniform approach, sort of monolithic state-by-state approach that we have, yes that probably holds things back. But politically, to get that to change is very hard. I mean, charter schools at California shorts their charter schools in a way that most of them are are financially unstable right now. And, you know, the Union often are used for the status quo, whether it’s against charters or against personnel systems. So, it’s very very tough because everybody wants a minimum standard. And using a market-based approach you worry that you won’t hit that minimum and so you get these kinds of rigid approaches.”

That’s fair warning to all discerning parents. Common core cannot (and was not designed to) match the results of homeschooling or private schools. Neither must compromise with a union, take rigid monolithic approaches, or meet only minimum standards. All three of those “requirements” for Gates is tantamount to failure in a homeschool or private school.

Gates says that using a market-based approach makes him “worry that you won’t hit that minimum and so you get these kinds of rigid approaches.” Prior to his co-opting of Kahn, Sal’s market-based approach was mopping the floor with any educational innovation Gates had ever dreamed of. But, now he’s worried about turning education over to the market from which Kahn’s Academy emerged? This is either willful ignorance or another checkmark in the unqualified column for Gates on “innovation in education.”

Making Common Core Irrelevant

As tragic as it was to watch the co-opting of Salman Kahn and his academy, the work he began is being carried out by other teachers. Their classrooms are free of “rigid, monolithic, minimum” standards. And, the fruits of their market-based labor have already put any child with web access only a few clicks away from escaping Gate’s “innovations.”

Even with the many superior curriculums, already online, common core will not become irrelevant until parents become aware of them. They must also dare to walk away from so-called traditional models of education. Of course, referring to common core as traditional is like referring to an 8-year-old as a great great grandfather.

Outliers’ Perspective

Khan let his academy be co-opted by billionaires and “standards” with a regrettable “Conceptual spirit.” Thanks to other teachers who’ve taken up the work Kahn set out to do, the impact is minimal, if not zero.

Professor Pesta describes common core as “the most centrally federalized education scheme ever devised.” Unfortunately, states have a long history of injecting themselves into the arena of education. Aside from the Cathedral schools under Charlemagne in the early 9th century, state intervention in education has produced lackluster, and lately catastrophic, results.

Today, western civilization is still recovering from the Prussian model that replaced education with mere training. Common core takes the Prussian model and adds ideological indoctrination, the forestalling of exposure to essential subjects to early adulthood, and unnecessary confusion to straightforward subjects like math.

Remarkably, though still unvalidated or tested, common core consortiums managed to push their “standards” into the SAT college admission tests in 2016. Even parents dead-set against common core now believe they must go along with it lest their children are prevented from getting into college. This is false, but a topic for a separate essay.

The Solution is Yours

It is the responsibility of parents, not the state, to provide their children with an education. The shirking of that responsibility invites third parties into the mix.

Fortunately, all underperforming third parties can be disinvited if parents educate their children without relying on the state. That doesn’t necessarily mean doing it yourself but making it happen. If you can afford them, there are still excellent private schools “out there.” Alternatively, more curriculums arrive on the scene, every day.

Most property taxes are justified in the name of paying for local public schools. This will almost certainly mean forgoing the benefit of property tax money for the public schools your children will not be attending.

Update: After watching ~450 videos, I can wholeheartedly recommend three courses in the Ron Paul Homeschool Curriculum: Western Civilization I & II, and Government 1B. I’ll hold off on further recommendations until I’ve taken the course, personally. That also helps ensure my kids don’t get ahead of me, anytime soon!

BTW, those three courses are also available as bonuses when purchasing the “Master” level of Tom Woods’ Liberty Classroom.

Take careful notice that none of the principles these wealthy parents seek costs a single penny to develop. I don’t think they know that. That everybody could do one or all of these things with their own kids just as well as Exeter or St. Paul’s could. — John Taylor Gatto

This article is a summary of the Boarding School part of J.T. Gatto’s speech: “What Does ‘Educated’ Mean?” If you’ve got 90-minutes to spare, I highly recommend downloading the transcript and listening to the entire speech.

(Note: Rather than put everything in quotes, I’d prefer to make this article more readable by keeping John’s words in normal text. I have shortened and condensed John’s speech for quick reading but these are his ideas and words. I’m the beneficiary of John’s wisdom and experience while making them more accessible to other homeschooling parents who may be on the same path.)

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16 Things Parents of Expensive Boarding Schools Want for their Children’s Education

Now let’s take a look at what the parents at the finest and most expensive private boarding schools in America want from schooling. I’m talking about the twenty ritziest private boarding schools in America. Schools like Groton, and St. Paul’s, and Deerfield, and Kent.

The schools have had an enormous effect on 20th century Society through the efforts of their graduates. Because of that importance, I’ve reduced the practices in these places to a formula so that you can see clearly that there’s nothing they do that isn’t easily within your reach. The formula looks like this in an elite boarding school.

But, I’m going to warn you in advance to take careful notice that none of the principles these wealthy parents seek costs the single penny to develop. I don’t think they know that. That everybody could do one or all of these things with their own kids just as well as Exeter or St. Paul’s could.

  1. Elite private schools want their children to learn good manners and to display those manners to everybody, even the humblest person, without thinking about it. So the manors would be reflexive. That’s because they know that manners will make their children welcome everywhere, even in strange settings where they’re not known, someone will recognize that this is a well-bred person.
  2. The second thing elite private school parents want is hard intellectual knowledge taught to their children, undiluted; they don’t want it watered down.
  3. Elite private school parents want their children to be advised only by people that they personally respect and Trust.
  4. The next thing elite private school parents want is that their children be taught love and appreciation for the land, for the natural world of plants and animals, not for the scientific knowledge but because they recognize that unless you have a relation with nature, that’s easy your life becomes lonely and barren and abstract. That’s why these rich kids ride horses and sailboats. Not for the competitive sports aspect of it, because it puts them in touch with nature.
  5. Next, they want their children to develop a public sense of decorum so that they can adapt naturally to every setting they find themselves in without provoking anger or opposition.
  6. They want a common core of Western culture taught, not so they can pass tests, but so that all the generations the grandparents the parents and the children are certain to be comfortable with a shared set of ideas and tastes and values.
  7. Elite boarding school parents want leadership exercises taught to their children. That’s an important ongoing theme of curriculum. They are not interested in their children being part of a managed herd.
  8. A major concern of boarding school parents is that their children get individual attention.Their children are in small classes. By small, I mean nine or less.
  9. They want continuous pressure put on their children to stretch their individual limits. That is, if you find four or five talents emerging, you don’t allow the kid to be satisfied with minimal performance.
  10. There’s an emphasis in elite schools on hands-on, face-to-face experience. You never go to a book if you can go to the person who wrote the book or someone close to that person. You get as close to the origin and the idea as possible.
  11. There’s an emphasis on writing. Homeschoolers read well but they don’t necessarily write so well. 300 words is good enough for a lot of uses. But if you can write a thousand words you can hold your own in any sort of debate, you can write op-ed pieces for the newspaper …it isn’t very hard to do.
  12. They want kids at elite schools to develop the power of accurate observation. They don’t have to be Picasso or Rembrandt. They have to accurately transcribe what they’re able to see. The reason Charles Darwin’s book made such an enormous impact was Darwin drew; there are thousands of drawings in the book. And they’re not Rembrandt, but they’re accurate enough that you can see what the thing is.
  13. Have experience with the master creations of music, of painting, of sculptor, of architecture, dance, poetry, the other arts. And have a familiarity with folk art as well.
  14. Scientific knowledge of the sky above and the earth below.
  15. Practice in learning how to handle pain. Physical pain, emotional pain, and intellectual pain. If you wonder where the tremendous American interest in sports came from, it comes from the aristocratic boarding schools of England.
  16. The development of a determination to demand the highest quality performance from yourself. Even if other people say hey that was wonderful, and you know that it’s a lot less than you could have done I think you’re better off.


Nothing I thought was an education, and nothing that the wealthiest people in the country think is an education costs anything at all. Fifty million public school children in the United States could be reared this way. It wouldn’t cost anything.

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In 2012, Richard Grove conducted and produced a 6-hour video interview with John Taylor Gatto. For those who don’t have the time to read and digest J.T. Gatto’s excellent work in book form, this interview provides an alternative. I’ve found it to be ideally listened to at double-speed! That makes it an ideal use of the next 2.5 hours of your time as John is a game-changer in the area of education.

Copyright © 2011 TragedyandHope.com

The transcript of the interview is 41,500 words. All the material (and excerpts, below) is owned and copyrighted by Tragedy and Hope and please consider supporting their work in creating, presenting, and posting such presentations on Youtube.

The excerpts, below, are 1/20th of the entire transcript. They are not a summary of the presentation.

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RG: is Richard Grove
JTG: is John Taylor Gatto

RG: Is there any connection between frustration and aggression? And what effect does schooling have on that?

JTG: Well, you answer your own question by asking it. The connection is intimate. School removes your volition in all important ways, even who you speak to. Are not they arts of association as valuable or more valuable than anything else you learn when you’re young?

Getting Into Harvard

I read how executive hiring is done and it almost never has to do with your training in whatever you’re been hired for. I’m thinking of Apple now, I believe. Is this the person we’d like to have around three years from now, bend an elbow with, or play golf with or just talk with? And that’s why you’re passed from set of executives, to set of executives. So they can sign off, yeah he’s ok, you know… We don’t tell kids that. It’s people who have the highest grade point average in the highest SAT scores. Well I spent an hour, not so long ago, within 10 years, with the admissions officer of Harvard College and, about 30 years ago an hour with the admissions director at Princeton. And let me tell you their polite dismissal of grades and SAT scores was intimidating to listen to. As if you’d have to be crazy to let somebody in.

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Let me see if I can condense how you get into Harvard or Princeton. Of course, you can get into both by donating a building but how do other people get in? They are being analyzed on the basis of their ability to either become wealthy or famous. Either one will work. Fame is like wearing a billboard saying I went to Princeton. There’s that actress Jodie Foster, “I went to Princeton”. Look at where the rest of the actors and directors went, they didn’t go anywhere (laughter). But Jodie did so that’s one we hear about. The Harvard lady said, “we look for a record of excellence and what this excellence consists of.” It’s sometime in the first 18 years of your life, figuring out how to add value to the people around you. She didn’t say this in a way that catches public attention, so you might walk across the United States or bicycle the perimeter of the country or row across the Atlantic Ocean, as a physical way. You might start a little charity or set up some weather service or some pollution monitoring around Hartford. There are a substantial number, a small fraction but a substantial number, of kids doing this as we sit here. They’re writing a record of being able to add value to the community around them.


And then the other fellow, the Princeton guy said the same thing in different words. I asked him in 1968 roughly, asked him what part of a resume submitted to you do you look at first. The answer metaphorically caused my jaw to open. “Hobbies,” he said. I said, “I’ve been taught all my life to leave that off because it’s not germane.” He said, “on the contrary, it’s the only honest information you’re likely to get.” How did someone spend their time when it’s their free choice to spend? He said “it’s a window into their mind and their heart”.

What Kind of Hobbies?

I said what kind of hobbies? He said, “well ideally someone would have a physical hobby, an intellectual hobby and a social hobby”. That would show they are exploring these large… well, physical hobbies you mean football, baseball? Well, he said “it’s better than nothing but we would prefer not to see team sports”. I said I’d been told all my life that team sports identify your ability to work in a team. He said what happens in a team sport is if you decide to dog it, it’s very hard to tell which guy on the line has dogged it or not, or which running back has gone down quicker than he should have gone down. He said we prefer solo hobbies that involve physical danger. You mean you want kids to put their necks at risk? For example, what? He said well horseback riding is a dead giveaway. The horse weighs a half ton or more. If you do trail riding and you don’t know what you’re doing, your head gets caught on the branch and you’re the headless horseman. If the horse doesn’t like you it’ll roll over on top of you. I know immediately because the last time I rode a horse was down in Veracruz, Mexico and the horse didn’t like me and took me out on the main highway with crazed Mexican drivers going a hundred miles an hour in 18 wheelers. And it laid down on top of me. I was terrified! I could see these trucks coming. I didn’t like it and it’s the last time I rode. So he said you have to actually know what you’re doing. You can’t say is this an A job, or a B job . If you live in are intact, it is.

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Then he said, “sailing a small boat”. These little 12 footers outside of land. If you don’t know what you’re doing you wind up in the middle of the Atlantic, you know. Or if wind comes up you can’t see landmarks because of the waves. I said, but those things are associated with the prosperous classes. What can somebody in ordinary circumstances do? He says well, we just let somebody in and this is probably one of the nicest factoids in my mind, in my life. We just let someone in who invented his own sport and kept records competing against himself, his past performance, his present performance. It was–get ready for this, visualize this—seat-less unicycle riding over broken terrain. If I had 10 lifetimes the plot of doing that wouldn’t occur to me. Aside from getting on a unicycle, let alone without a seat, let alone riding it over broken terrain. So they let him in because they knew he was on the fast track.

So we tell these lies and, of course, many of the people who tell the lie, believe the lie. Well surely they’re going to take valedictorians. Well, last year Harvard turned down eight out of every ten valedictorians who applied. And the two they took in, they didn’t take in because they were valedictorians. So by removing this component from the student imaginations y, u can control to some extent who even applies to Harvard and then who gets in. Because they don’t know what they’re doing. What’s the IT… “garbage in garbage out”.

Standardized Tests Don’t Matter

The evidence that all of us know standardized tests don’t measure what they claim they measure is that nobody, I mean nobody, that you encounter on the upper reaches of society would dream of hiring somebody on the basis of those tests or grade point averages. You’d be playing Russian roulette because they measure nothing. The grades largely measure that you memorize what you are told to memorize. I mean, there are a few other things but that’s the heart of it. So now you know you have somebody who’s obedient, and probably for a clerk that is a good measure. Not for someone who has to adapt to changing circumstances, you know, by the natural selection process of reality.

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Schooled to the Point of Extinction

It’s fairly easy without being a wise guy or very learned as long as you retained the ability to think independently from the data in front of you, to penetrate the masks, the contentions that don’t conform to everyday reality. So no one will hire you as a CEO and ask you what your… but if you examine the data that’s available about big-time politicians. Now we have, and I don’t think it would surprise anybody, that George Bush, the most recent one was a C average high school/prep school and a C average at Yale. What does surprise people is that the candidate he ran against was a C average in prep school, in the C average at Yale, and the lower C average than George Bush. Kerry of Massachusetts. The best evidence that the nation has been schooled to the point of extinction is that they were fraternity brothers at Yale and I’ll skip its interesting reputation; it only has 15 members. And they were fraternity brothers at Yale. There’s 308 million of us! I mean, mathematically I wouldn’t know how to set the odds but they would be stupendous. No one mentioned it, or if they did it was to quickly get over that. That should have been headlines of the New York Times and the Washington Post. “Fraternity Brothers at Yale Run for President!”

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