
Get Out Now: Why You Should Pull Your Child from Public School Before It’s Too Late

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Why don’t all parents send their kids to a private school?


“You know those two Mercedes we have parked in the driveway?”, I say to parents at church (a rhetorical question since we have no luxury cars.)

“Right, that’s because we send our kids to private school.”

The cost of the monthly lease payments for two luxury cars is about the same as sending our two boys to private school. Of course, we also pay for the public school they’re not attending in the form of property taxes.

What Should Be an Easy Decision for Christian Parents

For Christian parents, public school is now a dire compromise for which there’s no spiritual or philosophical defense. Anyone can understand not having enough money. What’s less understandable, or even comprehensible, is the extent to which parents will compromise out of fear or ignorance of homeschooling.

… and for Teachers

As for teachers, I’ve talked with three who recently fled public school teaching positions due to classroom turmoil (that school policies left them powerless to prevent), physical endangerment, and the frustrations of having no control over what or how they teach ( a defining feature of common core rebranded as “Next Step”).

But Really, How Bad is it ‘Out There?’

The question has now been meticulously answered by Mary Rice Hasson, J.D. and Theresa Farnan, Ph.D.:

Should we stay or should we go? Millions of parents with children in public schools can’t believe they’re asking this question. But they are. And you should be asking it too. Almost overnight, America’s public schools have become morally toxic. And they are especially poisonous for the hearts and minds of children from religious families of every faith—ordinary families who value traditional morality and plain old common sense. Parents’ first duty is to their children—to their intellect, their character, their souls. The facts on the ground point to one conclusion: Get Out Now: Why You Should Pull Your Child from Public School Before It’s Too Late.

The negative consequences of sending your children to public school need no longer remain in doubt. The final section of “Get Out Now” ends with 100 pages of endnotes and hard documentation supporting author accounts and claims.

Book cover for Get Out Now

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